Saturday, May 23, 2009

Weaving plots is complicated...

The background/historical elements of the plot have been churning around in my head for the past couple of days. Slowly and surely things are starting to fit into place, but it's still a lot of work and questions. And even more questions.

Like what would convince people that an accident was an terrorist attack enough that they would willingly fight back and start a war?

Or how does one make a city hard to find/enter if people once knew where it was? Is it possible to make a stationary city able to travel or even fly?

So many questions...and hopefully I'll soon have some answers.

Otherwise, things are going quite well considering I have been busy with other things. Maybe, just maybe I'll have enough of the story together that I can start rewriting a chapter or two from the beginning of the novel.

We'll see.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

"Write what you know" causes a breakthrough!

So today I found myself having difficulty with the conflicts of the world. Somehow I just couldn't get it figured out. Then I thought about the phrase "write what you know" and it hit me. I want to have a war as a backdrop that will later become more important and what better war to write about than the one I know. The one I've protested, watched new reports about, seen young men die for. So of course, I had my inspiration.

I don't want to give out too much information, but two characters were involved in orchestrating an attack so that it looked like it was from another country in order to justify a war.

The plot thickens...

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

New plans

So with the month of May already underway, I intend to make as much headway as possible with my novel planning. In fact, I want June to be my NaNoWriMo-esque writing month. Like my friend Penny I intend to finish my second draft by June 30th [or at least have most of it written].

So a breakdown of what I need to do:
1. World facts/history/elements
2. Character profiles and motivations
3. Plot summary/detailed plan
4. Sketches/photos
[Goal is to see at lot of this done by 20th]

And I'd like to get it nicely laid out into a grimoire or chronicle of some sort with character illustrations, world maps and other sketches. Then bind it up into a simple book that I can carry with me for reference purposes.

I've done a lot of thinking about plot on my main character's side, so it's really important to focus now on a more detailed idea of what my villain wants. And if he's really the "lesser of two evils" I intend him to be, who would the "greater evil be"?


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