Monday, November 14, 2011

Weekend of Falling Behind...

Ugh...I was bad this weekend. Basically I didn't catch up. Instead I spent time watching movies, hanging out with friends and snuggling with the boy. I'll have to make it up tonight and Monday and really haul it next weekend. I need to do more plotting though, it's been setting me back.

Word count:
16,258. Far far far behind the required 23,333 for Sunday. Basically, I need to catch up now and the easiest way to do that is to do a little more plotting before I write.

Inner Critic:
Pretty quiet this weekend, but she was sated with movie watching, pie eating and various other weekend activities.

Actual Novel:
As I'm still very much behind, the novel itself is probably still under 10k.

Characters Dead: 1
None to add.

Where are they?
Barely moved. In the scene before she goes to meet her magician. Not good.

Alright...back to writing!

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